SEDITRANS was a Multi-ITN (Multipartner Networks for Initial Training) under the FP7 2007-2013. The research theme was sediment transport in the fluvial, estuarine and coastal environment.
The effects of floods, storm surges and other inundation hazards are greatly amplified by undesired morphological changes in rivers, estuaries and coastal areas. Also, morphological changes in reservoirs and in the vicinity of man-made structures, inland and offshore, may hinder their functions, disrupt water supply and energy production and considerably increase the risk of failure of structures. Substantial economic losses, human fatalities, disruption of the social fabric and destruction of ecosystems may thus occur as a result of unmitigated morphological changes. To understand and predict the evolution of river, estuarine or coastal morphology, a deep knowledge of sediment transport mechanisms and its relation with flow hydrodynamics is of paramount importance.
The main research topics of Idrostudi’s participation to SEDITRANS project were the application of new techniques for solid transport modelling with a specific application to the numerical simulation of gravity currents flowing over mobile bed.

Sector Integrated Water Resources Management, Coastal & Maritime Engineering

The progress and the completion of the research work on all Work Packages of SEDITRANS was divided as follows:

  • WP1. Algorithm development of sediment transport due to grain motion
  • WP2. Bed morphology and turbulence in rivers
  • WP3. Algorithm development of suspended sediment transport due to turbulence
  • WP4. Sediment transport in RIVER flows
  • WP5. Sediment transport in COASTAL flows
  • WP6. Sediment-laden density underflows and delta dynamics (river geomorphology)

European Commision (EC)